Treasuring: A New Spiritual Discipline
In the fall of 2014, I was going through a book entitled Crafting
a Rule of Life: An Invitation to a Well Ordered Way by Steve Macchia. As one of the steps to create a rule of life,
Steve invited us to review the primary relationships in our life: assessing the
priority we give them, the health of the relationship, any problems, etc. I realized that there was a significant lack
of whole hearted devotion to these dear friends, family members and even
acquaintances. I didn’t spend much time thinking about them. I realized that I didn’t treasure each person
I met. I knew that something needed to change in the way I related to those
around me.
In December of 2014 I preached a sermon entitled “But Mary…” (For the Text; For the Audio)
based on the text from Luke’s gospel
But Mary
treasured and pondered all these things in her heart. Luke 2:19

Simple steps
I obtained a
treasuring journal. You could just use
your prayer journal
but I chose to make this journal separate. I begin each time of Treasuring by writing
down the names of each individual with whom I had any reasonably significant
personal interaction the previous day.
Generally, I don’t write down the “Hi. How are you?” kinds of
interactions. I write down those
interactions where I had some meaningful exchange. This is not a hard and fast rule. Sometimes I
will write down the name of someone I didn’t talk to or barely said two words
if there is something that piques my interest.
The interaction can be face to face or can be over the phone.
Next, I
write down the events and activities of the past 24 hours that I have been
engaged in. Generally these are very
broad categories and not minutely specific.
Once I have the names and activities, I first spend a little
bit of time on each name. The ABC’s of
treasuring are Attending, Blessing and Confession (although my normal order is
Attending: Attend
to what your body and your mind are saying to you when you come to their name.
Place your hand on your heart and ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind the moment of the day when you interacted with each person.
Place your hand on your heart and ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind the moment of the day when you interacted with each person.
- Are there any positive or negative feelings?
- How is my body reacting to this name?
- Are there any tugs to do anything?
- Are there any hooks in me? Things that stick
- How did I treasure this person today? In what way did I not treasure them?
- Did I wrong this person in any way?
- Was anything I said untrue or did I use a half truth?
- Do I have any wrong attitudes toward them or any wrong affections toward them?
- How can I treasure them more?
- Where did I give or receive love from this person? How did I withhold love from this person?
Write down
what you are experiencing and hearing.
Blessing: Pray all or part of the blessing of Numbers 6:24-26.
(Lord bless them and keep them. Lord
make Your face to shine upon them and be gracious to them. Lord lift up your
countenance upon them and give them peace.)
If appropriate, place your fingers on the name of the person as you pray
this prayer of blessing. Most of the
time I do this over the entire list.
Sometimes, as I feel led, I will concentrate this blessing on just one
or two names. Then I will pray the
blessing over the rest as a group.
Confessing: Confess your failure to treasure the person
and ask God to change you / to soften your heart / to be able to treasure this
Treasuring Activities
discipline here is quite simple. I list
the activities of the previous day. I
reflect upon where my heart was at during the activity. Was I treasuring this activity as something I
am doing with God. Was I even aware of
His presence during the activity?
Generally the answer to this question is no. I ask Jesus to help me treasure each of these
activities as a time in my day when I get to keep in step with His Spirit. (Galatians 5:25) To walk with Him. Then I ask Jesus to change my awareness of
Him in all my activities for today.
Time Commitment
This is a major new spiritual discipline for me. It takes a significant time.
I spend from
10-15 minutes each day with this. My
goal is to begin to treasure each person and each activity in the moment. I
believe that God and I are doing this together.
I sense His presence as we do this. I also can see some positive changes
taking place in my thoughts and actions towards other people and towards the
activities I am engaged in. You do need
to be aware when you are just rushing through the steps. Occasionally treasuring becomes a checkbox in
my day. Been there. Done that.
Usually no treasuring happens then.
Why not try it for a week and see what God does in your
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