Transferable Holiness

This is one possible way of implementing the model of spiritual
mentoring that I have written about on the CFR web site. I am interested in doing this with several
individuals and would love to see others following this model.
While at the CFR this week, I spent some time reflecting on
Haggai 2:11-
Haggai points out to the priests what they already know and
then in subsequent verses shows them how these obvious truths apply to them and
to Israel. But it got me thinking
about these “obvious” truths:
Holiness is not transferable
Ungodliness is transferable
How obvious are they to me today? Do I think I can transfer holiness into
other's lives? We can mentor people into ungodliness quite easily. “One rotten apple spoils the whole barrel.” But we cannot transfer holiness. There is no proverb that says “One good apple
transforms a barrel of rotten apples.” Because it doesn’t happen that way.
So if one of the goals in becoming a disciple of Jesus is to
be holy even as He is holy[1]
how do we do that when working with others?
Our “holiness” is certainly not
transferable. Is Jesus' holiness transferable by touch and proximity? I think that if I encourage the person to get close to the Holy One they will become holy. But proximity to holiness is not enough. Even with the epicenter of holiness – Jesus himself. In His presence we need to learn from Him; hear
His voice and then obey it.
Since that is our mission at the Center for Renewal, you’ll
understand why we are so excited about this ministry.
Jesus, help me realize today, that I cannot transfer
holiness. Show me how to encourage
others to spend time with You; listen to You; and then obey You.
1 Peter 1:14-16 14 As obedient children, do not be conformed to
the passions of your former ignorance, 15 but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in
all your conduct, 16 since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”
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